​Susan’s most relevant experience is as the mother of four, three of which are students with disabilities.  Susan’s next most relevant experience is as a ten year parent advocate and trainer with South Carolina’s former Parent Training and Information Center, PRO*Parents of SC.  Susan has trained over 5000 parents, attorneys and advocates during her tenure with PRO*Parents on virtually any topic that has to do with special education and civil rights law.  

Susan’s passion for assisting parents and extensive knowledge of the practical application of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act along with other laws applying to children makes her a fierce advocate for students.  The training she has received over the last ten years is second to none.  Susan has trained under some the nation’s leading advocates and attorneys, such as Chris Ziegler Dendy, Rick Lavoie, Matt Cohen and  Pete Wright of www.wrightslaw.com    

A Board Member of COPAA (Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates) for 4 years and a member for 7 years, she  serves as vice chair of COPAA's Board of Directors, as well as serving on COPAA's executive committee.  She also sits on the media relations, advocate and conference committees.  Susan has honed her skills by attending COPAA’s National Conference for the last 7 years, presenting sessions at the last 6 and was asked by COPAA to provide the two day advocate training at their preconference for the last 3 years.  Susan is also an instructor for COPAA's National Special Education Advocacy Training, SEAT.  She has a certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William and Mary School of Law and holds certificates in non-profit management from Duke and Winthrop Universities.  However, Susan believes that her expertise really lies in a specialized field that in all actuality can only be obtained by hands on experience and is not taught in any university setting.

Susan continues to hone her skills by continually training, she believes that a vital part of advocacy lies in staying abreast of  ever changing case law, scientific research and guidance from the US Department of Education and the Office of Civil Rights.  

Susan is a published author, her articles on special education and Section 504  have been published by advocacy organizations all over the country.  

Click the links to read:

When Teachers Bully

Guide to Response to Intervention

Feeling Victimized by the School?

Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act

Certificate Program vs. High School Diploma-NO WAY!

​This IS a Civil Rights Movement

Special Education Advocacy and Consulting of the Carolinas Susan Bruce

​Assisting families in obtaining an appropriate education for their students with disabilities.

Susan and her son Alex.  Alex is on the Autism Spectrum.  Alex received a leadership award from the local Chamber of Commerce.

Susan receives her Certificate from the Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) at William and Mary School of Law.  ISEA is a program that is put on by the Wright's of www.wrightslaw.com